World from Dawn till Dusk

Alisa Kovalenko

Born 09/24/1987 in Zaporozhye, Ukraine.


2005 - journalism studies at the Shevchenko Kiev State University.
2014 - fourth year student of I. Karpenko – Karego National University of Theatre, Film and Television in Kiev. at the Department of Cinema Documentary Directing under the supervision of Alexander Koval.

Work Experience:

2011 - participated in the "World from Dawn till Dusk 2011” (director)
2012 - participated in the documentary film almanac “Poza Euro” ("Outside of the Euro") (short film "Zosia and Zapara")
Worked as a journalist in Kiev media.


2011 - "Olehowska Nostalgia" - student film
2012 - „Tak to właśnie jest” ( "This is how it is") - student film
2013 - „Babcia Hala. Portret z akordeonem” ( "Grandma Hall. Portrait of an accordion") - student film
2014 - “Wideo-poezja Majdanu” ("Video-poetry of Maidan") documentary film (operator)
2014 - “Siostra Zo” ("Sister Zo") full-length documentary film (during production)

World from Dawn till Dusk

Liubov Durakova

Born 15.01.1986 in Kharkov (Ukraine).


2004 - 2007 - graduated from the Moscow State University at the Department of Mines and Petroleum.
2014 - Fourth year student of I. Karpenko - Karego State University of Theatre, Film and Television in Kiev, at the Department of Cinema Documentary Directing under the supervision of Alexander Koval.

Work Experience:

2011 - participated in the "World from Dawn till Dusk 2011" (director)
2012 - participated in the documentary film almanac “Poza Euro” ( "Outside of the Euro") short film "Zosia and Zapara"
She worked as a costume designer and journalist


2011 - "Wałodzia" - student film
2012 - „Nauczyciel historii” ("Teacher of History) - student film
2013 - „Julia, jej faceci i iluzje” ("Julia, her men and illusions) - student film
2014 - “Siostra Zo” ("Sister Zo) full-length documentary film (during production)

„Alisa on the Maidan”

The film is about a failed film that is talking of the Maidan. The movie is telling us the history of two young lost documentary filmmakers, where inside of them there is a struggle between being the filmmaker or participant. The defeat of the filmmaker is also a victory of something more... something really important what is the personal survival.

Two film school students wanted to make a film about the Maidan. When the first protests began, the doorman at the behest of the authorities locked the door in the dorm. Our two young documentary filmmakers had to get out through the window of the first floor. When they safely reached the street they found a Maidan place full of dancing and smiling young people. Girls nervously began to look for a hero. But just as they were taught in school the movie does not exist without a hero. But before he was found, there was an assault of the security forces who brutally disperse students. It was a crucial moment in defense of the students. On the Maidan appeared hundreds of thousands of outraged people. In the minds of our filmmakers appeared confusion: "You are here because this is important, because it is your war, your freedom, and what is more you're still a documentary filmmaker, and you cannot not to shoot a film. And then you are still standing in the freezing cold and you are thinking how to make this movie?

Determination of the people became stronger and stronger, they felt united together, they would not give up at any cost, even at the highest price. There appeared dozens of hundreds of cameras but our by the competition. "Sometimes we turned off the camera and we just stayed here and now we ate borscht, sang a hymn, we slept in the Palace of the October and enjoyed the view of so many faces around. It would seem that the spirit of being documentary filmmakers died in us. I think we felt more needed by giving the cobblestones, or preparing tea for others. Since life let down us as filmmakers - we have changed ourself to participants who are not from above, or on the side of this situation but we were just in a crowd of similar people like us."

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