A teacher at the Polish National Film School in Lodz (Poland).
He has made documentaries for over 20 years. He has realised about 30 films, the most prominent are:
„Pomarańczowa alternatywa” („Orange Alternative) 1989
„Ikar” („Icarus”) 1999
„Zwycięzcy i przegrani” („Losers and Winners”) 2004
„Lekcja białoruskiego” (A Lesson of Belarusian”) 2006
„Muzyczna partyzantka” („Music Paartisans”) 2007
„Dzieci Kotana” („Kotan’s Children”) 2012
He received over 80 international film festivals prizes, among them:
Special Prize Amsterdam, Special Prize Oberhausen,Special Prize Leipzig,
Prix Europa Berlin, Bronze Lajkonik Cracow,
Golden Gate San Francisco, „White Cobra” Lodz
A teacher at the Polish National Film School in Lodz (Poland).
He has made documentaries for over 20 years, the most prominent films are:
"Usłyszcie mój krzyk" („Hear my Cry”) 1991
"Stan nieważkości" („State of Weightlessness”) 1994
"Głos nadziei" („Voice of Hope”) 2002
„Jeden dzień w PRL” („One Day in People’s Poland”) 2005
„Cudze listy” („Violated Letters”) 2010
„Abu Haraz” („Abu Haraz”) 2012
He received over 20 international film festivals prizes, among them:
Felix – an award for the Best Documentary in Europe;
„Silver Dragon” Cracow; Grand Prix Melbourne; Grand Prix Monte Carlo;
Special Prize Prix Italia; Golden Gate San Francisco; „White Cobra” Lodz
A teacher at the Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing. He has made documentaries for over 30 years.
He has realised about 30 films, the most prominent are:
„Nienormalni” („The Abnormal”) 1990
„Born Dead” („Born Dead”) 2004
„Szczur w koronie” („A Rat with the Crown”) 2005
„Wojownik” („Warrior”) 2007
„Jeszcze nie wieczór” („Before the Twilight”) 2008
„Wirtualna wojna” („Man at War”) 2012
He received over 60 international film festivals prizes, among them:
Grand Prix Toronto; „Silver Lions” Gdynia; „Golden Lajkonik” and „Silver Lajkonik” Cracow;
Special Prize Mannhaim; Special Prize San Sebastian; „White Cobra” Lodz
A teacher at the Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing.
He has made documentaries for almost 40 years.
He has realised about 40 films, the most prominent are:
„Jak zyć” („How To Live”) 1977
„Egzamin dojrzałości” („Matriculation”) 1979
„Próba mikrofonu” („The Microphone Checking”) 1980
„Moje miejsce” („My Place”) 1986
„89 mm od Europy” („89mm From Europe”) 1993
„Wszystko się może przytrafić” („Everything Can Happen”) 1995
„Żeby nie bolało” („So It Doesn’t Hurt„) 1998
„Poste Restante” („Poste Restante„) 2008
„Tonia i jej dzieci” („Tonia and Her Children”) 2011
„Ojciec i syn w podróży” („Father and son on a Journey”) 2013
He received over 50 international film festivals prizes, among them:
Oscar (nomination); Felix – an award for the Best Documentary in Europe;
Grand Prix Oberhausen; „Golden Pigeon” Leipzig;
„Golden Dragon” and „Golden Lajkonik” Cracow; Golden Gate San Francisco; „White Cobra” Lodz
A teacher at the Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing.
She has made documentaries for several years, the most prominent are:
„Schizofrenia” („Schizophrenia”) 2001
„Po tamtej stronie” („Beyond the Wall”) 2007
„Źródło” („The Source”) 2009
She received a few international film festivals prizes, among them:
Gold Remy Award Houston
„White Cobra” Lodz
Grand Prix Kielce
He has made documentaries for over 30 years (as a cameraman he has realised over 100 films),
he received many international film festivals prizes.
As a director and cameraman he has made documentaries for several years.
He received many international film festivals prizes.
A teacher at the Polish National Film School in Lodz. He has made documentaries for over 20 years,
as a cameraman he has realized over 50 films. He was awarded many times.
A teacher at the Gdynia Film School. He has made documentaries for over 20 years
and he received many international film festivals prizes.
A teacher at the Gdynia Film School. He has edited the features and documentaries for a few years,
he was awarded many times.
A teacher at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University and at the Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities.
A critic and theoretician of film, a philosopher of culture, an author of a few books and a few dozen of publications,
an author and organiser of the film workshops.
Artistic consultant
Project co-ordinator
Production manager