

MINSK (Belarus)

Our film programme comprising five workshop films and a set of short documentaries presenting selected works from the filmographies of the main tutors was screened in Minsk within the framework of the International Film Festival “Listapad”, the most important film event in Belarus. This time, together with the usual strong presence of Russian cinema at the festival, Polish documentaries made their mark. “Dragon Forum”, a film review from the cycle “Guide to the Poles”, as well as the screening of documentaries which were made during the workshop: “The World from Dawn till Dusk” – created a strong programme, highly profiled in festival publications, media information, as well as the large number of Polish representatives at the festival. Our screenings contributed to creating the desired effect of synergy, focusing the attention of the festival guests on Polish cinema. Besides the official screenings at the popular “Video Center”, situated at the main shopping mall in Minsk, with festival and Polish Institute representatives present in the audience, we organised a non-official screening at the modern art gallery, which attracted a large audience, mostly consisting of young people. In both venues television crews were present, representing Belsat TV and the official channel of Belarusian TV. The workshop participants, both students and teachers: Pawel Lozinski and Mateusz Werner were interviewed for TV. The screenings were followed by lively discussions with the participation of the tutors mentioned above as well as the editor, Marek Skrzecz, the students – workshop participants, and also the film protagonists. It was interesting for the audience to compare the workshop film productions from various countries. The visible differences in the choice of the film subjects as well as the nature of the protagonists’ words stimulated the discussions.
When the official screenings with the participation of the tutors were over, a few additional screenings were organized in the following weeks by the workshop participants themselves.

- “Center Video” Cinema – within the framework of the International Film Festival „Listapad”
- Gallery„Ў”

date: 6-7.11.2011