


Participants: Vita Żelakeviciute, Maciej Drygas, Maciej Cuske, Adriana F. Castellanos

Screenings of the documentary “Havana from Dawn till Dusk” were organized as a two-day event. From the Polish side, they were attended by tutors: Vita Żelakeviciute, Maciej Cuske and Maciej Drygas and the editor Adriana F. Castellanos. From the Cuban side, there were representatives of the Cuban film institute Muestra Joven (ICAIC): Marisol Rodriguez, director of the institute and Haydee Oliva, coordinator. The shows took place in the “Sala Fresa y Chocolate", where ICAIC often organizes premieres and meetings devoted to the young, independent Cuban cinema. 

On the first day, there was a film show attended by the workshop participants, the people appearing in the film, their families and guests. After the ceremonial presentation, the students were given diplomas and DVDs of the film as well as catalogues with the project description. An informal meeting with Cuban cocktails was the culmination of the day.

On the second day, there was a small insider meeting, featuring a show of the preliminary versions of the film and an analysis of various aspects of its editing. The discussion was moderated by Polish tutors and the editor.

Both days were full of interesting and emotional discussions with the audience. Everybody noted the remarkable respect with which the characters, who often struggle with very difficult conditions, were treated. Attention was drawn to the way the film showed the residents’ love for Havana and the pride they take in the fact that they live there.